Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Every Thing Will Be Fine - Wim Wenders (2015)

          This did not come from the same mind that created Paris, Texas. I don't want to tear it apart, because I still respect the director, but this movie was missing that thing that makes Wenders' films what they are - the human quality. The characters of this story felt empty and unreal. One character experiences a huge loss and despite momentary spurts of tears, handles the situation too well. Why she does is attributed to her belief in God and a peace she receives from that. The character who caused this loss in her life is apathetic and distant from people, but he too doesn't feel like a real person. Even though we see the pain of the characters' experiences, we don't know them or care.
          I think Wenders made this movie too much about what he wanted to say through it. The story and the characters exist only as a tool in his goal to share the peace and forgiveness of God through a movie. I'm disappointed that after Wenders becomes a Christian, his movies change for the worse. Hopefully if he releases another, he will bring back that charm and delight he takes in each character and their stories.

Don't watch it.

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