Thursday, May 15, 2014

Valhalla Rising - Nicolas Winding Refn (2009)

          I really enjoyed this film. The main character is a total badass and, despite having only one eye, is pretty sexy. This film definitely has some issues - cheap graphics and imagery. I like the idea behind the symbolic imagery, but it just looks a bit off - I think more time or more money would've GREATLY improved this film. I can feel the heart behind it, but I wish Refn could have waited a bit longer to release it, making it look a little more professional and a little less film-school-project. However, I still love it because I love stories that are less about life and more about l-i-f-e. That is, the concept and questioning of life and all that surrounds and involves existence is more important than a retelling of happenings.
It's wild.   I love wild.

Watch the movie!

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