Friday, October 2, 2015

Far From the Madding Crowd - Thomas Vinterberg (2015)

          For a movie about an independent woman, this one takes giant leaps back in the progress of female empowerment. I understand that the story is from an ancient book, so we can't expect modern values like women being smart and capable, but WHY MAKE THE MOVIE? If the moral of the story is outdated, throw that shit out. This is the third adaptation of this book. Is it romantic for a woman who wants independence and freedom to turn out to be an idiot and need a man to manage her life after all? No, that's not a message from a woman. I don't understand (actually I do), why does a man write the screenplay and a man direct a movie and a man write a book about a woman who wants freedom?Clearly society (men) still seeks to "keep us in our place". Men still aren't convinced against the emotional femme fatale, that a woman can be independent and GOOD, that her independence does not breed obstinateness or idiocy.
Anyway, apart from the shitty story and terrible morals, one thing I liked was the editing. The editor was able to rather seamlessly condense time with clever transitions.

Overall, hate. This is NOT A ROMANTIC MOVIE. It's Sheit.

Don't watch it.

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