Sunday, December 6, 2015

Drawing Restraint 9 - Matthew Barney (2005)

          Ritual. Get the word "weird" out of your mind. Don't allow yourself to think it. It's difficult at first, but the key is to draw yourself into the detail of the film. Forget the big picture. Look at each action and you begin to see first how calculated every aspect of it is and second, how it actually does make sense. It makes sense within the framework of the world which makes no sense to our world.
          Ritual. Something about that word is foreign to us as Americans, I think. What this film does is make ritual inherent in nature, rather than in a specific culture. We can feel ritual even if we do not know it personally.
          Bjork's song at the end hints at the film's possible themes, though it still doesn't fully connect this world with our world. Or maybe it does.
"From the moment of commitment, nature conspires to help you."
          I'd rather not expound on the possible meanings with words. When you watch the film, this final line in the song feels true and aligned with everything you saw. Every film (good/intentionally-created film at least) has a certain magic in it. Magic because it connects with your being and means something whether or not its meaning can be expressed in words. Overall, I learned something from this film. I don't know what exactly, but I feel different having watched it.

Watch it. (It's on YouTube)

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