Sunday, December 6, 2015

L'Avventura - Michelangelo Antonioni (1960)

          First off, I feel completely inept in talking about the great Antonioni! But if I'm going to learn, I can't be afraid of great works and the artists which create them. Unfortunately because a professor spoiled the movie for me, I went into this already knowing what happens. (A lesson for professors, don't ruin the movie because you think I'll never watch it! Biggest peeve ever.) Because I knew what happened, I spent the whole movie wondering what it meant, but even then I became so caught up in the characters and in applying their situation to my own life that by the end of it, I couldn't put into words what anything meant. This is a film I will watch again, but in my first experience with it, I learned a couple things.
          The longing for relationship never ceases within me and extends from me to every person who has any potential at all to love me. Yet somehow, I never feel loved and I always feel betrayed.

          I may not be a great filmmaker, but I'm human and great filmmakers are great because they reach into the dark abyss of human nature and pull out truth we cannot see for ourselces. When a filmmaker does this, we're all on the same level. Naked and crying for something to feed us.

Definitely watch it.

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