Thursday, May 15, 2014

Valhalla Rising - Nicolas Winding Refn (2009)

          I really enjoyed this film. The main character is a total badass and, despite having only one eye, is pretty sexy. This film definitely has some issues - cheap graphics and imagery. I like the idea behind the symbolic imagery, but it just looks a bit off - I think more time or more money would've GREATLY improved this film. I can feel the heart behind it, but I wish Refn could have waited a bit longer to release it, making it look a little more professional and a little less film-school-project. However, I still love it because I love stories that are less about life and more about l-i-f-e. That is, the concept and questioning of life and all that surrounds and involves existence is more important than a retelling of happenings.
It's wild.   I love wild.

Watch the movie!

Populaire - Régis Roinsard (2012)

          I don't usually admit to enjoying romantic comedies, but I loved this one! I think most of all, I love the characters - they're portrayed in more of a realistic way than American Rom-Coms. Each character has issues, fears, insecurities, pride, they're not perfect, and they talk about it. The story is funny and seems kind of random, but reveals the way people thought in the 50s - their idea of what was cool or "popular." Visually, it's very clean, uses bright colors and has that kind of obnoxiously cute 1950's theatrical flare. Overall, it's very enjoyable, even I'd say, refreshing. Watch more French films!

Watch it!

The City of Lost Children - Marc Caro, Jean-Pierre Jeunet (1995)

          This is very French. A lot of French movies, it seems, are fairly non-theatrical. They have detailed plots and great characters, but they're low-key. All the good characters are genuinely good - I feel that's common among a lot of foreign films - the good guys are faithful, loyal, honorable characters. Despite their struggles, they don't turn on people. I appreciate that. It's a good story and it has that cute, silly romance of French films, romance in the sense that the film woos you into the characters and situation they face. It's creative, but not flowery, which makes it harder to watch, but well worth it. Honestly, I think it could've been better with a slightly intensified execution of plot and maybe some more diverse composition/camera moves, but it has heart and is rather intriguing.

Watch it.

Bronson - Nicolas Winding Refn (2008)

          Oh Bronson, you beautiful disaster you.
I loved it. Tom Hardy goes ALL OUT for this role. His acting and Refn's courageous creativity made the film what it is. Refn created the perfect environment for us to understand this character called Charlie Bronson. From the start, we understand that his priority in life is SHOW, so we gladly rest back in our seats and allow his persona to entertain us. I love the wild theatricality Refn weaves into the plot, subsequently drawing into the character sketch of Bronson. Rather than show the audience how pitiful this man's life is, Refn pays tribute to his wishes and portrays him in a way I assume he'd be rather fond of. That's enough commentary...

Watch this movie!

Punch-Drunk Love - Paul Thomas Anderson (2002)

          I hated this. All right... lemme lay it out: stupid story, which is normally fine, but when everything else sucks, it matters. The "love" aspect of it makes no sense. It's very loose with regards to narrative and character - you're not sure who anyone is and why you should give a shit about them. It's not funny, and I'm guessing it wanted to be. (?) It also tries to be artistic, but the "art" doesn't connect with anything, so it's just silly colors flying around for no reason. One thing I did appreciate was the use of sound - it effectively recreated what it must have been like to be in Barry's head. Basically, this film had acceptable things to work with - good actors, sufficient plot, good composition, interesting soundtrack, but... it just didn't come together well. In the end, I was pissed off that I let it sit on my watchlist so long without deleting it and even more pissed that I wasted 1.5 hours watching it - 1.5 hours I could've spent watching one of the other 250 titles on my watchlist.

Don't watch it.

Chinatown - Roman Polanski (1974)

          I have a problem with everyone calling this a Film Noir. I think this film intentionally flip-flopped the classic Film Noir. Rather than barely lit - it's extremely bright in most of the scenes. Often the sun is used like classic Noir's used shadow - by shooting at the golden hour of sunset, the sunlight has a particular aesthetic effect that oppositely mirrors the look of a black night with a single street light. That may not make sense..
                    SPOILERS (but this movie's been around for 40 years - you should've seen it already)
         The story is in some ways opposite a Noir - the main character isn't a crook, doesn't really get involved in crime, and doesn't die. The questionable "femme" is no "fatale", but is herself killed, and is a victim in other ways as well - not often the case with the classics - they're simply portrayed as evil... I guess we can thank a slight rise in Feminism of the 70s for that variation. Basically, I wouldn't call this Noir, I'd call it a crime, mystery film in tribute to Film Noir.
But honestly, I thought the cinematography was pretty shitty, poorly composed, sloppy. The music was interesting though, and the main characters are decently developed and OK, but I definitely don't particularly like either of them. If it weren't for the story, the actors' status, and the rarity of this type of film, I don't think it would be so praised.    SO...  I say watch it because it's one of those movies you just have to see to be into Film, and because it's entertaining. I would never call it great - I'd give it a rather half-assed "good."

Watch it.

Kon-Tiki - Joachim Rønning, Espen Sandberg (2012)

          So, I assumed this was a stupid Hollywood disaster movie, but it's not! The movie poster is deceptive, because this is actually a pretty great film. The pace of style and story is relaxed and smooth. It doesn't distract from the story with loud, in-your-face editing or sound.. I appreciate that. There's one camera move used as an incredible means of skipping time - this screen shot is part of it. Overall....
Awesome story more people should know.
Sophisticated, not-over-the-top editing
Some beautiful camera moves, transitions and shots
AND some super sexy blonde men ;)

Watch it!

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Machine - Caradog W. James (2013)

          Pretty bland movie. It's not unique in story or presentation and has no plot twists - it's very low key the whole time. I really didn't like anything about it because it doesn't go deep anywhere. I kept expecting things to develop, but it stays very surface throughout. It contained interesting characters and plot points, but they were not developed at all. Overall, I'd say it's a waste of time.

Don't watch it.